ANSES and the DGCCRF reiterate the importance of cooking shiitake mushrooms thoroughly before eating to avoid poisoning
Originally from Asia, the shiitake is the world's most widely consumed mushroom after the white button variety. It has been on the European market for several years and is now grown and produced in France. When eaten raw or undercooked, shiitake can trigger a toxic "flagellate" dermatitis all over the body, causing severe itching. To avoid such toxic reactions, ANSES and the DGCCRF wish to remind consumers and catering professionals of the importance of cooking shiitake mushrooms thoroughly before eating them, regardless of how they are presented: fresh, dried or powdered.
The ANMV actively engaged to ensure equine herpes virus vaccine availability
There is currently an outbreak of rhinopneumonitis among horses in Europe. The French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANMV) is actively engaged in assuring a substantial supply of EHV1 vaccines.
"Helping improve the system of prevention, recognition and compensation for occupational diseases in France". Three questions for Henri Bastos, Occupational Health Scientific Director at ANSES
The French government has decided to carry out independent collective expert appraisals to support the development of occupational disease tables and thereby improve the recognition of occupational diseases in France. These scientific appraisals call on ANSES's expertise.
The European Transparency Regulation: a new framework for risk assessment and food safety
In effect since 27 March 2021, REGULATION (EU) 2019/1381 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019, known as the "Transparency Regulation", aims to improve the transparency and sustainability of European Union risk assessment in the food chain. Below is an overview of the main changes introduced by this regulation and its implications for businesses, civil society representatives and national health agencies such as ANSES.
Beware of burns from false nail glue splashing onto clothes!
The current trend for false nails and the health restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to an increase in the use of cyanoacrylate adhesives at home. While direct skin contact with these glues is generally not serious, splashes through clothing can cause severe burns, sometimes even requiring skin grafts.
Monitoring resistance to plant protection products around the world
Scientists from ANSES and INRAE have analysed the systems in place to monitor resistance to plant protection products around the world. Their findings showed that studies on this subject are often engaged by both private and public players, at the same time and in the same country. Given the complementary nature of these approaches, greater cooperation would increase the efficiency of monitoring systems.
Preventing the accidental ingestion of medicinal products for horses
Cases of adverse effects are regularly reported after humans have been accidentally exposed to veterinary medicinal products. Prascend®, intended for horses, is the medicinal product most frequently involved, after antiparasitics. Its mode of administration, generally hidden in food, has led to specific recommendations.
Bisphenol B, an endocrine disruptor for humans and the environment
Some countries outside the European Union use bisphenol B as an alternative to bisphenol A, a substance whose endocrine-disrupting properties are now widely recognised. However, bisphenol B has similar, or even slightly greater, endocrine-disrupting properties. Following the identification of these properties, ANSES is proposing to identify bisphenol B as a substance of very high concern under the European REACh Regulation, like bisphenol A. The purpose of this classification is to prevent the industrial usage of this chemical on the European continent as a replacement for bisphenol A, and to require importers of consumer goods to declare its presence in concentrations exceeding a threshold of 0.1%.