Our organisation chart
General Directorate
ANSES's General Directorate defines the general policy of the Agency, in accordance with the strategic orientations validated by its Board of Administrators, and guarantees the smooth implementation of the Agency's missions in compliance with the principles of independent expertise and scientific integrity. The General Directorate represents ANSES in its relations with its supervisory ministries, French and foreign counterpart organisations, and parliamentarians.
The Director General of ANSES is appointed by the Council of Ministers after a hearing by the Parliament's Social Affairs Committees, for a renewable three-year term.
The current Director General is Benoît Vallet.
- Head of Cabinet and Department of Communication & Institutional Relations – Sophie Le Quellec
- European & International Affairs Department – Salma Elreedy
The Scientific Integrity Adviser is Gérard Lasfargues and the Ethics Adviser is Bérénice Renard.
General Affairs Division
The General Affairs Division manages ANSES's financial, purchasing, real-estate, quality and human resources policies, and provides legal support for the Agency's activities. It liaises with ANSES Board of Administrators and its Committee for Ethical Standards and Prevention of Conflicts of Interest.
The division is headed by Agathe Denéchère in his role as Deputy Director General of ANSES.
- Health, Safety & Security Unit –
- Coordination Support, Quality & Audit Department – Catherine Rigoulot
- Human Resources Department – Isabelle Tilly-Becker
- Legal Affairs Department – Bérénice Renard
The Director of Legal Affairs is responsible for access to administrative documents and environmental information, as well as for issues relating to the re-use of the Agency's public information, and also acts as the Ethics Officer. The Director of Legal Affairs is the Agency's Data Protection Officer within the meaning of the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To contact the Data Protection Officer: saisine-daj@anses.fr
- Administration & Financial Affairs Department – Diane Ionesco
- Technical Affairs & Information Systems Department – Laurent Vigneron
Regulated Products Division
The Regulated Products Division is responsible for scientific assessment and decision-making on marketing authorisation applications for plant protection products, biocides, fertilisers and growing media, as well as for veterinary medicines via the French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANSES-ANMV). It also conducts expert appraisals in response to formal requests. It includes the Administration & Finance Unit common to these cross-cutting activities, as well as the Regulated Products Information Systems Unit.
The division is headed by Charlotte Grastilleur in her role as Managing Director General.
- Regulated Products Assessment Department – Thierry Mercier
- Market Authorisations Department – Bertrand Bitaud
- French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products – Franck Fourès
Science for Expertise Division
The Science for Expertise Division coordinates activities relating to risk assessment, socio-economic analysis, research funding and dialogue with society, as well as ANSES's health vigilance and scientific monitoring work. This division is responsible for facilitating and coordinating expert groups, stakeholder dialogue committees and the Agency's Scientific Board.
The division is headed by Matthieu Schuler in his role as Managing Director General.
- Risk Assessment Department – Eric Vial
- Social Sciences, Economics & Society Department – Brice Laurent
- Health Alerts & Vigilance Department – Juliette Bloch
- Research Funding & Scientific Watch Department – Laetitia Dubois
Research & Reference Division
The Research and Reference Division groups together ANSES's nine laboratories and a department dedicated to their strategic management. The Agency's laboratories carry out research, analytical reference and surveillance missions in their three areas of intervention: animal health & welfare, plant health and food safety. They also contribute to expert appraisals led by the Risk Assessment Department in these areas.
The division is headed by Gilles Salvat in his role as Managing Director General.
- Strategy & Programmes Department – Nicolas Canivet
- Fougères Laboratory – Tahar Ait Ali
- Nancy Laboratory for Hydrology – Sophie Lardy-Fontan
- Lyon Laboratory – Laurent Lempereur
- Ploufragan-Plouzané-Niort Laboratory – Nicolas Eterradossi
- Laboratory for Rabies and Wildlife – Élodie Monchâtre-Leroy
- Laboratory for Animal Health – Stéphan Zientara
- Plant Health Laboratory – Philippe Reignault
- Laboratory for Food Safety – Laurent Laloux
- Sophia Antipolis Laboratory – Richard Thiéry
Our cross-functional scientific themes
Seven cross-functional scientific themes have been defined to facilitate, within ANSES, the balance and coherence between the production of knowledge and methods on the one hand, and the scientific needs of risk assessment on the other. Each cross-functional theme is coordinated by a scientific director.
- Food safety / Scientific Director: Marianne Chemaly
- Animal health and welfare / Scientific Director:
- Plant health / Scientific Director: Philippe Reignault
- Epidemiology and surveillance / Scientific Director: Émilie Gay
- Exposure to and toxicology of chemical contaminants / Scientific Director: Pascal Sanders
- Antimicrobial resistance / Scientific Director: Jean-Yves Madec
- Occupational health / Scientific Director: Henri Bastos
Quality and risk management
To be able to carry out its public service missions as effectively as possible, ANSES has put in place a highly structured organisation and operating methods supported by its quality and risk management system.
This system is based on a process approach: it integrates management, production and support activities and defines the way in which they are conducted, ensuring that they take place within a coherent, efficient overall organisation that strengthens the links between them. It was developed in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard, under which ANSES has been certified since 2013 (certification covering expert appraisal activities carried out in accordance with the requirements of the NF X 50-110 standard).
In addition to this recognition, ANSES's laboratories have been accredited according to two standards:
- the NF EN ISO/CEI 17025 standard for tests and analyses;
- the NF EN ISO/CEI 17043 standard for organising inter-laboratory proficiency tests.
All of the Agency's entities are committed to the quality and risk management system, ensuring it is implemented, supported and developed