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Nathalie Lonnel
Press Officer - 01 49 77 13 77
Judith Nadjar
Press Officer - 01 49 77 22 26
Shana Paquay De Plater
Press Officer - 01 49 77 28 20
Elena Tchirvina - Seité
Head press officer - 01 49 77 27 80


France 2030: signature of an agreement between the SGPI, the DGAL and ANSES to boost the development of biocontrol products in France

France 2030: signature of an agreement between the SGPI, the DGAL and ANSES to boost the development of biocontrol products in France

At the Paris International Agricultural Show, Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment with responsibility for France 2030, Maud Faipoux, Director General for Food and Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES, signed an agreement reaffirming their commitment to support the development of biocontrol plant protection products in France.
ANSES proposes that cannabidiol (CBD) be classified as a "presumed human reproductive toxicant"
L’Anses propose de classer le cannabidiol (CBD) comme présumé toxique pour la reproduction humaine

ANSES proposes that cannabidiol (CBD) be classified as a "presumed human reproductive toxicant"

On the basis of the available studies in animal models showing impaired fertility and development, ANSES has identified the substance CBD as a presumed human reproductive toxicant, and has submitted a proposal for it to be classified in the European CLP Regulation. The scientific dossier is available for public consultation on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) until 16 May 2025, for comments or provision of additional information.
Health effects of vegetarian diets and associated dietary guidelines
Régimes végétariens : effets sur la santé et repères alimentaires

Health effects of vegetarian diets and associated dietary guidelines

ANSES is publishing two expert appraisals on vegetarian diets. In the first, it studied the health benefits and risks associated with these diets. To do this, it carried out a systematic review of the available epidemiological studies. In the second, it proposed specific dietary guidelines for people who are on or are considering adopting a vegetarian diet. The aim is to help them optimise their nutritional intake while taking account of their eating habits and limiting their exposure to contaminants.
Agricultural biodiversity and climate change: vegetation in the margins of fields has changed in just 10 years
Bordure d'un champs de tournesol

Agricultural biodiversity and climate change: vegetation in the margins of fields has changed in just 10 years

Scientists from INRAE and ANSES have been studying changes in field margin vegetation on 500 agricultural plots in mainland France, to understand how climate change and farming practices are affecting these plants. Their results, published in Ecology Letters, show that in 10 years the average temperature in these plots has risen by 1.2°C and soil moisture has fallen by 14%. The work shows that the plant communities in field margins have changed as a result, with more species tolerant to heat and aridity to the detriment of ruderal species (i.e. those able to withstand the disruption associated with farming practices). Climate change mitigation practices, such as plant cover and agroforestry, or reducing the use of agricultural inputs, would help preserve the ability of this biodiversity to adapt.
ANSES proposes classifying galaxolide as toxic for reproduction in the European CLP Regulation
L’Anses propose de classer le résorcinol comme perturbateur endocrinien dans le règlement européen CLP

ANSES proposes classifying galaxolide as toxic for reproduction in the European CLP Regulation

ANSES is proposing a harmonised classification for galaxolide, sometimes referred to as HHCB, as a Category 1B reproductive toxicant under the CLP Regulation (for Classification, Labelling and Packaging of products). This substance, which is widely used in everyday products such as perfumes, cosmetics and air fresheners, can cause damage to human fertility and development, according to the conclusions of ANSES’s expert appraisal work. Since 27 January 2025, the scientific dossier has been available for public consultation on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), for comments or provision of additional information on this substance.
Six new European scientific projects on risks associated with food
6 projets scientifiques européens

Six new European scientific projects on risks associated with food

Since late 2024, ANSES has been taking part in six new European projects, two of which it is coordinating. These projects, funded by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as part of its "tailor-made" activities, are seeking to improve knowledge and the use of data on risks associated mainly with food. They will explore issues such as the risks associated with botulism, according to a One Health approach, and the use of artificial intelligence to analyse data in the field of food safety.
Do not consume food supplements containing Garcinia cambogia
Ne pas consommer de compléments alimentaires à base de la plante Garcinia cambogia

Do not consume food supplements containing Garcinia cambogia

Although it is banned in medicines, the Garcinia cambogia Desr. plant continues to be offered in food supplements. Consuming them can have severe adverse effects, in particular acute hepatitis, including in people with no previous history of medical problems. An overall analysis of these signals has led ANSES to issue an alert strongly advising against the consumption of food supplements containing this plant.
Partnership between ANSES and CIRAD: a stronger commitment to safeguarding every type of health

Partnership between ANSES and CIRAD: a stronger commitment to safeguarding every type of health

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) have renewed their partnership for a five-year period. The aim is to strengthen their scientific collaboration on animal, plant and human health, including through food safety. The partnership agreement was signed on 28 February by Élisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin, CEO of CIRAD, and Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES.

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