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Health effects of vegetarian diets and associated dietary guidelines

Health effects of vegetarian diets and associated dietary guidelines
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France 2030: signature of an agreement between the SGPI, the DGAL and ANSES to boost the development of biocontrol products in France
At the Paris International Agricultural Show, Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment with responsibility for France 2030, Maud Faipoux, Director General for Food and Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES, signed an agreement reaffirming their commitment to support the development of biocontrol plant protection products in France.
ANSES and FREDON France renew and expand their partnership
ANSES and the FREDON France network have signed a new cooperation agreement to expand their partnership, which began in 2015. By combining their expertise, the two organisations are working together to better protect the health of plants and ecosystems and, through them, human health.
Partnership between ANSES and CIRAD: a stronger commitment to safeguarding every type of health
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) have renewed their partnership for a five-year period. The aim is to strengthen their scientific collaboration on animal, plant and human health, including through food safety. The partnership agreement was signed on 28 February by Élisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin, CEO of CIRAD, and Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES.