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7th Scientific Day of the Institut Santé-Travail Paris-Est (IST-PE)

Thursday, 18 November, 2021

7th Scientific Day of the Institut Santé-Travail Paris-Est (IST-PE)

40 avenue de Verdun 94000 Créteil ou en distanciel
Public : oui
Auditorium du Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil
The seventh Scientific Day of the Institut Santé-Travail Paris-Est will take place on Thursday 18 November 2021. The topic of the day will be "Health, Work & the Healthcare Environment". The day will begin with an introductory conference which will be followed by three theme-based sessions: "Quality of life at work in healthcare environments", "Occupational exposure" and "Health aspects". Work in a healthcare environment concerns a very wide range of medical and paramedical professionals, in a variety of contexts (public or private hospitals, private practice, services to individuals). In addition to biological risks, which have recently come to the fore, workers are confronted with many other occupational risks (physical, organisational, and psychosocial). The aim of this event is to address, in specific theme-based sessions, recent data on occupational exposures in this sector of activity, results concerning health data for this type of worker, and presentations relating to the quality of life at work in care-based settings. The Day is intended for the many actors concerned by occupational health, workers from the various care environments, whether they are researchers, occupational health workers, institutions, social partners, management or human resource workers. Participation in this day-long event is free of charge, but for organisational and security reasons, registration is required before 1 October by contacting Ms Julie CAPON - - 01 57 02 28 77 The Organizing Committee : Pascal ANDUJAR - Milia BELACEL - Jean-Baptiste BOUDIN-LESTIENNE - Jean-Claude PAIRON Scientific Committee : Henri BASTOS - Christos CHOUAÏD - Gérard LASFARGUES - Mélina LE BARBIER - Corinne MANDIN - Jean-Claude PAIRON
Scientific Encounters ANSES & ANR - Microplastics and nanomaterials: Research on environment & health

Thursday, 20 May, 2021

Scientific Encounters ANSES & ANR - Microplastics and nanomaterials: Research on environment & health

Public : oui
100 % digital
The degradation of plastic materials and the numerous uses of nanomaterials in everyday products have led to the release of large quantities of micro- and nanoscale particles into the environment. While the use of plastics and manufactured nanomaterials has clear advantages, the particulate contamination that results from them can have harmful effects on health and ecosystems. On 20 May , ANSES and the French National Research Agency (ANR) are organising a Scientific Encounters session entitled "Microplastics and nanomaterials: research on environment & health". Through an overview of the research work funded by the two agencies, the sources of exposure to these particles, the monitoring of their presence in the environment and their consequences for ecosystems and human health will be discussed. The event will also be an opportunity to share the recent work of the French Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices on the topic entitled "Plastic pollution: a ticking time bomb?". One presentation will specifically focus on the development of innovative, sustainable nanomaterials that are safer for human health and the environment. At the end of the day, a panel of experts will take part in a discussion entitled "Micro/nano: from futility to utility". This Scientific Encounters event is geared to the scientific community, environmental associations, professional organisations and public decision-makers.You can register and consult the program (in french only) on the event's website. To review the plenary sessions and workshops now, click on the corresponding links in the interactive programme below: Interactive Programme (PDF) (in French)
Accelerating the assessment of endocrine disruptors

Accelerating the assessment of endocrine disruptors

As part of France’s Second National Endocrine Disruptor Strategy (SNPE 2), ANSES has drawn up a list of substances of interest and identified a selection of priority substances to be included in its assessment programme. The Agency is also recommending a method to establish whether the substances assessed are known, presumed or suspected endocrine disruptors. The purpose of this work is to implement a shared approach in order to identify endocrine disruptors faster and more efficiently, and to promote their assessment in accordance with the objectives set by France and Europe to reduce the risks relating to chemical substances.
Zootopique, the ANSES podcast with a focus on the future (in French only)

Zootopique, the ANSES podcast with a focus on the future (in French only)

Could there be a COVID-31? How is our current turbulent relationship with mosquitoes – or bees – likely to evolve in the future? What sort of meat will we eat in the future? ANSES has announced the launch of “Zootopique”, its first series of podcasts. The series invites listeners to take a trip into the future in order to look at the links between human and animal health. One year on from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, ANSES has joined forces with The Conversation, an online media network, to provide a platform for researchers. The podcast will seek to provide a clearer understanding of how the science of today helps us to plan for the risks of tomorrow.
Brevetoxins in shellfish: proposal of a guideline value to protect consumers

Brevetoxins in shellfish: proposal of a guideline value to protect consumers

In 2018, for the first time, brevetoxins, a group of marine biotoxins, were detected in mussels in Corsica. If ingested by humans, these toxins can cause neurological, gastrointestinal and/or cardiovascular symptoms. Based on cases of food poisoning occurring in other countries, ANSES has proposed a guideline value to protect consumers of shellfish such as oysters and mussels. This work represents a major scientific breakthrough in the field of emerging toxins. ANSES underscores that the microalga that produces brevetoxins in Corsica has not been identified to date and should be specifically investigated.
ANSES and the DGCCRF reiterate the importance of cooking shiitake mushrooms thoroughly before eating to avoid poisoning
champignon shiitake

ANSES and the DGCCRF reiterate the importance of cooking shiitake mushrooms thoroughly before eating to avoid poisoning

Originally from Asia, the shiitake is the world's most widely consumed mushroom after the white button variety. It has been on the European market for several years and is now grown and produced in France. When eaten raw or undercooked, shiitake can trigger a toxic "flagellate" dermatitis all over the body, causing severe itching. To avoid such toxic reactions, ANSES and the DGCCRF wish to remind consumers and catering professionals of the importance of cooking shiitake mushrooms thoroughly before eating them, regardless of how they are presented: fresh, dried or powdered.
The ANMV actively engaged to ensure equine herpes virus vaccine availability
Rhinopneumonie Equine

The ANMV actively engaged to ensure equine herpes virus vaccine availability

There is currently an outbreak of rhinopneumonitis among horses in Europe. The French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANMV) is actively engaged in assuring a substantial supply of EHV1 vaccines.
"Helping improve the system of prevention, recognition and compensation for occupational diseases in France". Three questions for Henri Bastos, Occupational Health Scientific Director at ANSES

"Helping improve the system of prevention, recognition and compensation for occupational diseases in France". Three questions for Henri Bastos, Occupational Health Scientific Director at ANSES

The French government has decided to carry out independent collective expert appraisals to support the development of occupational disease tables and thereby improve the recognition of occupational diseases in France. These scientific appraisals call on ANSES's expertise.
The European Transparency Regulation: a new framework for risk assessment and food safety

The European Transparency Regulation: a new framework for risk assessment and food safety

In effect since 27 March 2021, REGULATION (EU) 2019/1381 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019, known as the "Transparency Regulation", aims to improve the transparency and sustainability of European Union risk assessment in the food chain. Below is an overview of the main changes introduced by this regulation and its implications for businesses, civil society representatives and national health agencies such as ANSES.
