Agathe Denéchère appointed Deputy Director General for General Affairs at ANSES
On 23 July 2018, Agathe Denéchère was appointed Deputy Director General for General Affairs at ANSES. A former student of the École Nationale d'Administration , her career is rooted in the field of health and social affairs. Agathe Denéchère will now coordinate ANSES's General Affairs Division and will be one of the driving forces behind the strategic orientations essential to the Agency's governance in its health-related expert appraisal missions. She succeeds Caroline Gardette, who has been appointed Head of the Human Resources Department at the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture.
Pollen allergies and food supplements: ANSES reminds consumers of the precautions to be taken
Cases of allergies associated with the consumption of food supplements are regularly reported to ANSES under its nutrivigilance scheme. Recently, severe allergies following the consumption of food supplements containing hive products (royal jelly, propolis) and pollen have been reported. ANSES reminds consumers that people who are allergic to pollen can potentially be at risk from allergies when consuming foods and food supplements containing products of the beehive.
Assessment of the safety of feminine hygiene products
Today ANSES is publishing its health risk assessment on the safety of feminine hygiene products. Chemicals have been identified in these products at very low concentrations not exceeding health thresholds. The expert appraisal did not reveal any risk associated with these substances. Nevertheless, the Agency recommends that manufacturers improve the quality of these products in order to eliminate or minimise the presence of chemicals. ANSES’s expert appraisal also examined the risk of menstrual toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Its work showed that the risk of developing this disease, caused by a bacterial toxin, is related to the conditions of use of the feminine hygiene products. ANSES therefore reminds users of the importance of complying with the hygiene rules associated with the use of feminine hygiene products, particularly the length of time that tampons and menstrual cups can be worn.
"Anti-pollution" masks: not enough data to demonstrate a health benefit and justify recommending their use
In a context where prevention of ambient air pollution is a real public health issue, questions are regularly asked about the value of recommending that the population wear personal protective equipment. This led ANSES to assess the potential health benefits of wearing "anti-pollution" masks. Its expert appraisal revealed a lack of data demonstrating a health benefit. To reduce the health impacts associated with ambient air pollution, the Agency reiterates the importance of prioritising action at the source by limiting pollutant emissions. It also recommends providing better information for the population, particularly susceptible individuals, on the behaviour to be adopted to limit daily exposure to air pollution.
Plant health and citizen science: ANSES takes part in an operation to detect giant ragweed
ANSES is taking part in a citizen observation mission targeting the giant ragweed plant (Ambrosia trifida) in partnership with the Tela Botanica Association and the Ragweed Observatory.
Footwear and textile clothing: consumers need better protection from the risks of skin allergies and irritation
Cases of skin allergies and irritation related to clothing or footwear are regularly reported to the health authorities. Today ANSES is publishing the results of the expert appraisal it conducted to identify the chemicals likely to be found in these articles and possibly responsible for these cases. Further to this expert appraisal, the Agency is issuing recommendations on how to better protect consumers from the risks of skin allergies and irritation caused by the presence of these substances.
For the seventh consecutive year, ANSES's Sophia Antipolis Laboratory, the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for bee health, is organising its day of meetings devoted to bee health . The purpose of this conference, which is open to a broad audience, is to review recent scientific advances in the field. A large part of the day will be given over to debate, with exchanges between the researchers from the EURL, research institutes and the technical institute, as well as stakeholders. The topic of the round-table at day’s end will be the impact of agricultural models, growing practices and systemic landscape approaches on pollinator health. It will enable a wide range of players to present virtuous initiatives that have been implemented on the territorial level to improve environmental quality and to protect bee health. This event will take place at the Cordeliers campus in Paris.
Ambient air quality: ANSES recommends the surveillance of 1,3-butadiene and the enhanced monitoring of ultrafine particles (UFPs) and carbon black
The European monitoring strategy for air quality relies heavily on quality standards for a number of pollutants. Advances in knowledge on the toxicity of substances and their emissions in the atmosphere have shown that certain pollutants that may have an impact on human health are not currently taken into account in regulatory monitoring. ANSES therefore received a formal request from the Ministries of Ecology and Health to propose a list of new priority pollutants for this air quality monitoring to supplement those already monitored. In its conclusions, ANSES recommends the national surveillance of 1,3-butadiene and the enhanced monitoring of ultrafine particles (UFPs) and carbon black. It also recommends creating a national data bank of existing measurements for pollutants that are not currently regulated but are found in ambient air. The results of this expert appraisal will provide input for the discussions launched with a view to the revision of Directive 2008/50/EC on air quality monitoring initiated by the European Commission in July 2017.
Launch of the national exploratory measurement campaign for pesticide residues in air
ANSES, INERIS and the network of approved air quality monitoring associations (AASQAs) coordinated by ATMO France are today launching a campaign to measure pesticide residues in air. This first national campaign aims to improve knowledge of the pesticides found in ambient air and thus gain a better understanding of the exposure of the French population. This campaign will ultimately be used to define a surveillance strategy for pesticides in air.