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Footwear and textile clothing: consumers need better protection from the risks of skin allergies and irritation

Footwear and textile clothing: consumers need better protection from the risks of skin allergies and irritation

Cases of skin allergies and irritation related to clothing or footwear are regularly reported to the health authorities. Today ANSES is publishing the results of the expert appraisal it conducted to identify the chemicals likely to be found in these articles and possibly responsible for these cases. Further to this expert appraisal, the Agency is issuing recommendations on how to better protect consumers from the risks of skin allergies and irritation caused by the presence of these substances.
ANSES Scientific Conferences - Bee health

Wednesday, 12 December, 2018

ANSES Scientific Conferences - Bee health

15 Rue de l'École de médecine, 75006 Paris
Public : oui
UPMC / Campus des Cordeliers
For the seventh consecutive year, ANSES's Sophia Antipolis Laboratory, the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for bee health, is organising its day of meetings devoted to bee health . The purpose of this conference, which is open to a broad audience, is to review recent scientific advances in the field. A large part of the day will be given over to debate, with exchanges between the researchers from the EURL, research institutes and the technical institute, as well as stakeholders. The topic of the round-table at day’s end will be the impact of agricultural models, growing practices and systemic landscape approaches on pollinator health. It will enable a wide range of players to present virtuous initiatives that have been implemented on the territorial level to improve environmental quality and to protect bee health. This event will take place at the Cordeliers campus in Paris.
Ambient air quality: ANSES recommends the surveillance of 1,3-butadiene and the enhanced monitoring of ultrafine particles (UFPs) and carbon black

Ambient air quality: ANSES recommends the surveillance of 1,3-butadiene and the enhanced monitoring of ultrafine particles (UFPs) and carbon black

The European monitoring strategy for air quality relies heavily on quality standards for a number of pollutants. Advances in knowledge on the toxicity of substances and their emissions in the atmosphere have shown that certain pollutants that may have an impact on human health are not currently taken into account in regulatory monitoring. ANSES therefore received a formal request from the Ministries of Ecology and Health to propose a list of new priority pollutants for this air quality monitoring to supplement those already monitored. In its conclusions, ANSES recommends the national surveillance of 1,3-butadiene and the enhanced monitoring of ultrafine particles (UFPs) and carbon black. It also recommends creating a national data bank of existing measurements for pollutants that are not currently regulated but are found in ambient air. The results of this expert appraisal will provide input for the discussions launched with a view to the revision of Directive 2008/50/EC on air quality monitoring initiated by the European Commission in July 2017.
Launch of the national exploratory measurement campaign for pesticide residues in air
Air Extérieur

Launch of the national exploratory measurement campaign for pesticide residues in air

ANSES, INERIS and the network of approved air quality monitoring associations (AASQAs) coordinated by ATMO France are today launching a campaign to measure pesticide residues in air. This first national campaign aims to improve knowledge of the pesticides found in ambient air and thus gain a better understanding of the exposure of the French population. This campaign will ultimately be used to define a surveillance strategy for pesticides in air.
Signature of the framework agreement for the ESA Platform: strengthening epidemiological surveillance in animal health

Signature of the framework agreement for the ESA Platform: strengthening epidemiological surveillance in animal health

The signing of the new framework agreement for the Epidemiological Surveillance Platform for Animal Health ( ESA Platform ) on 20 June 2018 by the Director General for Food in the presence of Roger Genet, Director General of ANSES, and eight other members, signals a new departure for this platform, which has demonstrated its usefulness and effectiveness ever since it was set up in October 2011.
ANSES consolidates its presence in Boulogne-sur-Mer!
Boulogne Sur Mer

ANSES consolidates its presence in Boulogne-sur-Mer!

Centrally located in the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the Laboratory for Food Safety's site specialising in fishery and aquaculture products is expanding! This extension, financed jointly by the Hauts-de-France Region and the local community, underlines ANSES's scientific investment in Boulogne-sur-Mer and is fully consistent with regional research dynamics for the quality and safety of aquatic products. These new premises can henceforth accommodate scientists from the Biochemistry of Aquatic Products Unit of the University of the Littoral-Côte d’Opale, enabling capacities and resources to be pooled to address challenges specific to the sector of fishery and aquaculture products.
Philippe Reignault appointed Director of the Plant Health Laboratory and Director of Plant Health at ANSES

Philippe Reignault appointed Director of the Plant Health Laboratory and Director of Plant Health at ANSES

On 4 June, Philippe Reignault was appointed Director of the ANSES Plant Health Laboratory and will also take over from Charles Manceau as Director of Plant Health, with effect from July. Professor of Plant Biology and Diseases at the Littoral Côte d'Opale University since 2010 and Chair of ANSES's Expert Committee on Plant Health since 2012, he will now be responsible for overall coordination of ANSES's scientific work in plant health and protection.
National Network for the Monitoring and Prevention of Occupational Diseases: new data published on cancers of occupational origin
Cancers Professionnels

National Network for the Monitoring and Prevention of Occupational Diseases: new data published on cancers of occupational origin

At the 35 th French occupational medicine and health congress (CNMST) held in Marseille from 5 to 8 June 2018, ANSES presented for the very first time data on cancers of occupational origin collected by the National Network for Monitoring and Prevention of Occupational Diseases (RNV3P) coordinated by the Agency. These data are used to build up a comprehensive picture of the cancers associated with occupational exposure situations, in order toidentify the industry sectors and situations most at risk, with a view to prevention.
Risks and benefits of plant protection products containing neonicotinoids compared with their alternatives

Risks and benefits of plant protection products containing neonicotinoids compared with their alternatives

In 2016, as part of the implementation of the Act "for the restoration of biodiversity, nature and landscapes” and as requested by the Ministries of Agriculture, Health and Ecology, ANSES initiated an assessment weighing up the risks and benefits of plant protection products containing neonicotinoids, compared with their chemical and non-chemical alternatives. Today, ANSES is publishing its final opinion. For most uses of plant protection products containing neonicotinoids, sufficiently effective and operational chemical and non-chemical alternatives were identified. However, it was not possible to identify chemical substances or classes of substances with overall risk profiles less unfavourable than that of neonicotinoids. The Agency also emphasises that the impact of the ban on neonicotinoids on agricultural activity is difficult to anticipate, and recommends speeding up the provision of effective alternative methods for crop protection and management that are safer for humans and the environment.
