Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves: research efforts should be scaled up and suitable care provided for the people concerned
Today the Agency is publishing the results of its expert appraisal on hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves. This work drew on all the available scientific literature, as well as on numerous hearings with hospital and general practitioners, researchers, associations, and the people concerned. The expert appraisal revealed the great complexity of the issue of electrohypersensitivity (EHS), while concluding that according to the current state of knowledge, there is no solid experimental evidence establishing a causal link between exposure to electromagnetic fields and the symptoms described by the people declaring themselves as electrohypersensitive. The Agency also emphasised that the suffering and pain expressed by the people declaring themselves as electrohypersensitive is a reality of life, requiring them to adapt their daily lives to cope with it. In this context, the Agency recommends providing suitable care for the people concerned and pursuing research work, in particular by setting up studies whose experimental conditions take into account the circumstances of people declaring themselves as EHS.
Consumption of wild game: action needed to reduce exposure to chemical contaminants, and to lead in particular
Today the Agency is publishing the results of its expert appraisal on the health risks associated with the consumption of wild game and the environmental chemical contaminants (dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls - PCBs, cadmium and lead) found in both wild and farmed game. While game can be contaminated by numerous chemicals present in its living environment or via ammunition, the available data only give a partial picture of wild game contamination in France. The Agency therefore recommends documenting the contamination levels of small and large wild game more fully, as well as the dietary exposure of game consumers. Because the expert appraisal highlighted a health concern related to lead, the Agency is proposing various levers for action to reduce consumer exposure (substitution of lead ammunition, trimming of meat, frequency of consumption). Pending additional data and given the level of lead contamination in large wild game (deer and wild boar), the Agency recommends that women of childbearing age and children avoid all consumption of large wild game, while other consumers should limit themselves to occasional consumption, around three times a year.
Neonicotinoids: ANSES publishes its second progress report on the alternatives and the conclusions of its expert appraisal work on the impact of these active substances on human health
Under the Act "for the restoration of biodiversity, nature and landscapes", ANSES undertook work to assess chemical and non-chemical alternatives to the use of plant protection preparations containing neonicotinoids, for which the final report will be published in the second quarter of 2018. In the second progress report published today, alternatives for uses on grapevines, industrial and fodder beets, straw cereals, maize and lettuce were identified, and risk indicators applied to them. This information will be incorporated in a final report that will cover all the plant protection uses of neonicotinoids, as well as an update of the alternatives identified for each use. Concerning the impact of neonicotinoids on human health, the expert appraisal carried out at the request of the Ministers of Health and the Environment revealed no harmful effects, for uses complying with the conditions of use laid down in the marketing authorisations. However, with regard to thiacloprid, given the hazard characteristics of this substance and the significant increase in its use, the Agency recommends minimising its uses.
ANSES and INRA renew their partnership for five more years
In the presence of Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Finance, Stéphane Travert, Minister of Agriculture and Food, and Brune Poirson, Secretary of State to the Minister for Ecological and Inclusive Transition, Roger Genet, Director General of ANSES, and Philippe Mauguin, President of the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), have renewed the partnership framework agreement between the two organisations for five years. The purpose of this agreement is to strengthen the many joint actions currently being pursued in the areas of animal health and welfare, plant health and protection, food and nutrition, ecotoxicology and the quality of the environment.
ANSES and GDS France renew their cooperation for another three years
Roger Genet, Director General of ANSES, and Michel Combes, President of the French Federation of Health Protection Groups (GDS France), today signed a framework partnership agreement designed to strengthen the analytical reference scheme for Category 2 and 3 animal health hazards. This three-year agreement reflects the desire of both organisations to continue cooperating on this scheme, while ensuring that it can be adapted to address emerging health issues.
ANSES and IFREMER strengthen their cooperation regarding contaminants in fishery products and the overall health of fish and molluscs
Roger Genet, Director General of ANSES, and François Jacq, CEO of the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), have today signed a framework partnership agreement for a five-year period. This will enable the two agencies to reinforce their cooperation on themes of common interest: the study of chemical and microbiological contaminants of fishery products, and the overall health of fish and molluscs.
Wildlife surveillance: ANSES and the ONCFS consolidate their partnership
On 26 February 2018, Roger Genet and Olivier Thibault, respectively Directors General of ANSES and the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS), signed the third framework agreement for the partnership between the two institutions. The renewal of their collaboration shows that greater consideration is being given to wildlife in animal and public health issues.
ANSES's proposed classification for phosphine submitted for public consultation
ANSES has submitted a proposal to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for phosphine to be classified for its toxicity following acute inhalation exposure (Category 1). It was submitted for public consultation on the ECHA website on 12 February 2018 for a period of 60 days, to give all stakeholders the opportunity to present their comments, scientific arguments or any additional information they have at their disposal. Following this public consultation, a final opinion will be adopted by ECHA's Committee for Risk Assessment and sent to the European Commission, which will decide whether or not to include the classification of phosphine in the CLP Regulation (on classification, labelling and packaging of products).
Traces of chemical contaminants in food – three questions for Roger Genet
Roger Genet, Director General of ANSES, considers the issue of chemical contaminants in fruit and vegetables, which does not necessarily translate into a risk for the consumer. He explains how the Agency goes about monitoring the presence of pesticide residues in food, assessing the exposure of different population groups and ensuring consumer protection.