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Food additive E171: ANSES reiterates its recommendations for consumer safety
Dioxyde Titane

Food additive E171: ANSES reiterates its recommendations for consumer safety

The food additive E171, which consists of titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles, mainly in nanoparticle form, is used in many different food products. Following the expert appraisal work it conducted in 2017, ANSES was asked in February 2019 to review the most recent studies on the oral toxicology of E171 and to update its recommendations. On completion of this expert appraisal, the Agency concluded that it had not obtained any new information to resolve the uncertainties regarding the safety of the additive E171. Pending a better characterisation of the hazards and risks posed by E171, it reiterates its general recommendations on nanomaterials, aimed mainly at limiting the exposure of workers, consumers and the environment, by promoting safe alternatives with equivalent effectiveness.
Monitoring drinking water quality and protecting human health: ANSES proposes a method for identifying relevant pesticide metabolites

Monitoring drinking water quality and protecting human health: ANSES proposes a method for identifying relevant pesticide metabolites

Pesticides disperse into the natural environment where they can transform into one or more other compounds called "metabolites". These chemical metabolites can potentially contaminate water resources and even water supplied to consumers. Water quality controls are increasingly detecting situations where regulatory quality limits are exceeded, meaning that management measures are needed before distribution. In order to address these challenges, the Directorate General for Health asked ANSES to define a methodology for identifying the relevant metabolites regulated by the European Drinking Water Directive. ANSES therefore presented the management authorities with a method for identifying which pesticide metabolites warrant priority attention with regard to the health issues associated with drinking water consumption.
Titanium dioxide in nanoparticle form: ANSES defines a toxicity reference value (TRV) for chronic inhalation exposure

Titanium dioxide in nanoparticle form: ANSES defines a toxicity reference value (TRV) for chronic inhalation exposure

Titanium dioxide in nanoparticle form (TiO 2 -NP) is used in many industrial and commercial applications. ANSES was asked to define a toxicity reference value (TRV) for this substance as part of its national mission to develop health reference values. Following an in-depth analysis of all the available toxicity data, the Agency is recommending a chronic TRV by inhalation for the P25 form of TiO 2 -NP of 0.12 µg/m -3 . This reference value will be used when conducting health risk assessments as part of the management of industrial facilities and sites in France. It is also the first TRV developed for a nanomaterial in France.
The Normandy Excellence Festival in Caen

Friday, 12 April, 2019 to Sunday, 14 April, 2019

The Normandy Excellence Festival in Caen

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From 12 to 14 April 2019 the Normandy Excellence Festival (FÊNO), organised by the Normandy Region, will take place in Caen. This major event aims to promote the region’s know-how and bring its people together around the Norman identity. Teams from the Normandy site of ANSES’s Laboratory for Food Safety will be in attendance, on a stand coordinated by Hippolia and devoted to horses, alongside other scientific players. The Agency is actively involved in horse health and all the health issues relating to the equine sector. This event will be an opportunity for the Agency to promote its missions and its laboratory's horse-related work, through fun educational activities intended for a wide audience of all ages
Certain food supplements for joint pain should be avoided by at-risk populations
Compléments Alimentaires

Certain food supplements for joint pain should be avoided by at-risk populations

In France, the use of dietary supplements containing glucosamine and/or chondroitin sulfate, presented as being able to contribute to joint comfort, has increased significantly. Adverse reactions potentially associated with the consumption of these food supplements have been identified by the ANSES nutrivigilance scheme. For this reason, the Agency conducted an assessment to identify the potential risks associated with taking these products. As a result of its expertise, ANSES advises certain populations to avoid consuming food supplements based on glucosamine and/or chondroitin sulfate.
ANSES and University of Rennes 1 strengthen their scientific cooperation dedicated to "One Health"

ANSES and University of Rennes 1 strengthen their scientific cooperation dedicated to "One Health"

Roger Genet, Director General of ANSES, and David Alis, President of the University of Rennes 1, today signed a scientific framework agreement aimed at strengthening their cooperation on environmental health, focused primarily on the "One Health" concept covering human, animal and plant health for the benefit of all. To mark this occasion, a conference and round table were organised on the theme of the exposome, one of the key issues at the heart of this new partnership between the two institutions.
Second European conference on Xylella fastidiosa

Tuesday, 29 October, 2019 to Thursday, 31 October, 2019

Second European conference on Xylella fastidiosa

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Palais des congrès d'Ajaccio
The second scientific conference dedicated to the presentation and discussion of the main ongoing research into Xylella fastidiosa will be held in Ajaccio, Corsica, from 29-30 October 2019. A post-conference field visit will be organised on 31 October. Registration and the call for abstracts are closed. Latest results from European research projects dealing with X. fastidiosa will be presented, in particular the final results from the Horizon 2020 POnTE project. The conference will also be an opportunity for participants to catch up on the latest advances and achievements of other national and transnational research activities ongoing worldwide and to discuss ways of strengthening coordination and synergies among them. The programme will include presentations and discussions on the latest data and knowledge on X. fastidiosa , its host plants and vectors and control options. The conference will cover the most recent results of research on: biology and pathogenicity; detection and surveillance; ecology, epidemiology and modelling; insect vectors; risk assessment and assessment of impacts (including environmental and socio-economic impact); sustainable management strategies. The conference is being organised jointly by: EFSA; the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA); the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES); the Office de l’Environnement de la Corse (OEC) through its department the Conservatoire Botanique National de Corse ; the EU-funded projects POnTE , XF-ACTORS , CURE-XF and EuroXanth ; and the Euphresco network for phytosanitary research coordination and funding.
An international scientific conference to provide an update on genomics for food safety

An international scientific conference to provide an update on genomics for food safety

ANSES, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the National Food Institute of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Republic of Korea's National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation (NIFDS) are holding an international conference on the theme "Foodborne Pathogens & Whole Genome Sequencing: Impact on Public Health Protection", from Tuesday 26 to Thursday 28 March 2019 in Paris. This three-day high-level scientific symposium will bring together nearly 300 international stakeholders, researchers and experts to review advances in genomic technologies in the field of food safety.
Phytophthora ramorum: monitor its spread and eradicate contaminated sites

Phytophthora ramorum: monitor its spread and eradicate contaminated sites

First detected in France in the Finistère region in May 2017, the plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum poses a significant risk for many ornamental and forest-growing plants (rhododendrons, vibernum and larch trees). ANSES issues recommendations to monitor the spread of this fungus-like microorganism, prevent the risk of its introduction and eradicate outbreaks where it is already found.
