Gabrielle Bouleau re-elected as Chair of ANSES's Committee for Ethical Standards and Prevention of Conflicts of Interest
Gabrielle Bouleau was re-elected as Chair of ANSES's Committee for Ethical Standards and Prevention of Conflicts of Interest on 16 June 2021. A chief engineer in bridges, water and forestry at INRAE, Gabrielle Bouleau is an expert in environmental policy. As head of ANSES's Ethics Committee, she remains committed to ensuring that the Agency's expert appraisal work complies with the principles of independence.
The results of the European Valitest project, coordinated by ANSES, were presented at the project's final general assembly on Wednesday 9 June. This project assessed a total of 83 tests, and led to diagnostic practices being harmonised for 11 plant pests.
Re-assessment of glyphosate: the group of Member States submits its draft report to EFSA and ECHA
As glyphosate's approval in the European Union expires at the end of 2022, any future use requires this herbicidal active substance to undergo a new assessment of the risks to humans and the environment. A group of four rapporteur Member States (France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden) was appointed to carry out the first step of this re-assessment, in accordance with European legislation*. In the interests of transparency, this group, known as the Assessment Group on Glyphosate (AGG), has been publishing information on the most significant advances in this process since the work began in 2019 . On 15 June, to coincide with submission of the draft renewal assessment report to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the AGG published an online summary of the process and the main results of its assessment, which is the first step. At the same time, the European agencies announced that they will publish the draft report and launch a public consultation on it in September. It will also be peer reviewed by experts from other Member States. In accordance with EU legislation, following this consultation and any further data provided later, the preliminary report may be revised and a final report published. The European Commission will then draw on the findings of the assessments conducted by EFSA and ECHA to propose the possible renewal of glyphosate's approval to Member States in 2022. Read the summary of the draft report on the web page of the Assessment Group on Glyphosate. Find out more about ANSES and the assessments conducted on glyphosate and the plant protection products containing this active substance. For any questions on the draft report and the assessment process, contact: * Regulation (EU) No 686/2012 as amended designating the rapporteur Member States
ANSES appointed international reference laboratory for contagious equine metritis
On 11 June 2021, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) appointed ANSES as its reference laboratory for contagious equine metritis. This disease reduces fertility in mares and has major economic consequences.
Alternatives to neonicotinoids to control yellowing in beet crops
In an update of its 2018 Opinion on alternatives to neonicotinoids, ANSES identified 22 solutions for controlling aphids and yellowing disease in sugar beet crops. These control measures may take over from neonicotinoid products, which have been banned since 2018 but whose use was reintroduced for beet seed treatments under a waiver in 2020. These alternative solutions, whose effectiveness is good but insufficient when they are used alone, will require an integrated control approach or even a change in cultivation practices to be sufficiently effective.
Charlotte Grastilleur appointed Managing Director General in charge of coordinating ANSES’s Regulated Products Division
On 1 June, Charlotte Grastilleur was appointed Managing Director General in charge of ANSES's Regulated Products Division. She now coordinates the Agency's departments in charge of assessing applications and issuing marketing authorisations for plant protection products, biocidal products and veterinary medicinal products.
A review of risk factors for 11 foodborne diseases
A special issue of the journal Microbial Risk Analysis has just been published, addressing risk factors for the main foodborne infectious diseases. Based on the work of ANSES's scientists and experts, it summarises epidemiological knowledge and provides information to guide preventive measures and the monitoring of these diseases, as well as future research.
Do you know what microplastics and nanomaterials have in common? Their infinitesimally small size makes these compounds difficult to assess. They are also two topics that we study at ANSES to better understand the hazards they represent. Engineered nanomaterials and plastic have some advantages, but the resulting particulate contamination can have negative consequences for human health and ecosystems. Today, in collaboration with the French National Research Agency (ANR), we are organising a scientific webinar on recent work on the impact of microplastics and nanomaterials. Read our close-up dedicated to these two themes.