Partnership between ANSES and CIRAD: a stronger commitment to safeguarding every type of health

Partnership between ANSES and CIRAD: a stronger commitment to safeguarding every type of health

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) have renewed their partnership for a five-year period. The aim is to strengthen their scientific collaboration on animal, plant and human health, including through food safety. The partnership agreement was signed on 28 February by Élisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin, CEO of CIRAD, and Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES.
ANSES and FREDON France renew and expand their partnership

ANSES and FREDON France renew and expand their partnership

ANSES and the FREDON France network have signed a new cooperation agreement to expand their partnership, which began in 2015. By combining their expertise, the two organisations are working together to better protect the health of plants and ecosystems and, through them, human health.
ANSES and GDS France strengthen their partnership to support livestock farmers and veterinary public health

ANSES and GDS France strengthen their partnership to support livestock farmers and veterinary public health

On Thursday 27 February 2025, Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES, and Christophe Moulin, President of the French Federation of Health Protection Groups (GDS France), signed a framework partnership agreement designed to renew and reaffirm their commitment to farm health, for the benefit of French livestock farmers and veterinary public health.
How are we doing as regards openness to society?

How are we doing as regards openness to society?

It’s already been 15 years! In 2009, the Agency was one of the first to sign the French Charter on openness to society, intended for public agencies tasked with research, expert appraisal and risk assessment for health and the environment. Mathieu Baudrin, in charge of relations with stakeholders at ANSES, takes stock of our practices as regards dialogue and openness with organised civil society, and explains how they help to enhance the Agency’s scientific output and its mission to keep the public informed.
Publication of the 2025 work programme postponed

Publication of the 2025 work programme postponed

Every year in December, ANSES finalises and then publishes its work programme. The 2025 programme will be published once the resources available to ANSES are known, and possibly after determining its scientific priorities.
Laboratory for Hydrology: 200 years of safeguarding public health
Laboratoire hydrologie Nancy

Laboratory for Hydrology: 200 years of safeguarding public health

ANSES's Nancy Laboratory for Hydrology celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. The safety of water is embedded in its DNA. Under the impact of climate change and new lifestyle patterns, this issue has become a major concern for society. Sophie Lardy-Fontan, its director, presents the laboratory.
ANSES and the ANSM strengthen their partnership

ANSES and the ANSM strengthen their partnership

On 12 June, ANSES and the ANSM signed a new framework agreement to reinforce their partnership across the entire field of human and veterinary medicinal products. This new agreement between the two health agencies also provides for cooperation to be extended to all possible synergies according to the "One Health" approach.
Joint Interview with Sébastien Denys Director of the Environmental and Occupational Health Division at Santé publique France Éric Vial Risk Assessment Director at ANSES

Joint Interview with Sébastien Denys Director of the Environmental and Occupational Health Division at Santé publique France Éric Vial Risk Assessment Director at ANSES

Over the last few months, ANSES and Santé publique France have been actively finalising the launch of Albane. This major national survey will collect data on health, chemical exposure, food consumption and physical activity over two-year cycles, based on representative samples drawn from the population, from birth to 79 years of age. Funded by the Ministries of Health, the Environment, Agriculture and Labour, Albane will support both agencies’ missions and generate useful indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of public policies in the fields investigated.
Interview Eva Ougier Coordinator of the RNV3PE team, Health Alerts & Vigilance Department

Interview Eva Ougier Coordinator of the RNV3PE team, Health Alerts & Vigilance Department

Interview with Matthieu Schuler Managing Director General of the Science for Expertise Division

Interview with Matthieu Schuler Managing Director General of the Science for Expertise Division

Matthieu Schuler Managing Director General of the Science for Expertise Division about the phytopharmacovigilance : "With this phytopharmacovigilance scheme, we have taken a real step forward in capturing data on plant protection products as used and their residues in the environment."
