Household product hazards: improving consumer information
Dangers des produits ménagers : renforcer l’information des consommateurs

Household product hazards: improving consumer information

In order to better inform consumers about the health and environmental hazards of household products, ANSES is proposing to categorise these products in order to establish a labelling standard for them. This work is also aimed at encouraging manufacturers to improve the composition of their products.
ANSES proposes classifying resorcinol as an endocrine disruptor in the European CLP Regulation
L’Anses propose de classer le résorcinol comme perturbateur endocrinien dans le règlement européen CLP

ANSES proposes classifying resorcinol as an endocrine disruptor in the European CLP Regulation

After having shown that resorcinol affects thyroid function, with harmful effects, the Agency is putting forward a proposal to classify this substance as an endocrine disruptor for human health. This was made possible by the recent creation of this hazard class in the CLP Regulation (the European Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging). Since 20 January 2025, the scientific dossier has been available for public consultation on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), for comments or provision of additional information on this substance.
Better understanding the potential health effects of ultra-processed foods
Aliments dits ultratransformés : mieux comprendre leurs effets potentiels sur la santé

Better understanding the potential health effects of ultra-processed foods

‘Ultra-processed’ foods are part of the food supply, but they also raise some health concerns. That being said, the concept of ultra-processing has yet to be scientifically substantiated. In light of this, ANSES has reviewed the available studies on the subject. Its expert appraisal identified several signals suggesting a relationship between the consumption of such foods and a higher risk of developing chronic diseases. Now, the challenge is to identify the mechanisms that underlie these risks. Among the avenues to be explored, the Agency recommends focusing on the effects of new substances that can form during food processing. It also stresses that other courses of action should be considered to improve nutrition in the population.
Cases of foot-and-mouth disease in Germany: the ANSES Laboratory for Animal Health ready to take action
Cas de fièvre aphteuse en Allemagne : le Laboratoire de santé animale de l’Anses pleinement mobilisé

Cases of foot-and-mouth disease in Germany: the ANSES Laboratory for Animal Health ready to take action

Cases of foot-and-mouth disease were detected on a water buffalo farm in Germany on 10 January. This is the first outbreak in Germany since 1988, and in the European Union since 2011. Although no other cases have been detected so far, ANSES, through its Laboratory for Animal Health, stands ready to take action to prevent the spread of the disease. This article explains its role and missions.
Alert confirmed for glyoxylic acid in hair-straightening products
toxicité acide glyoxylique

Alert confirmed for glyoxylic acid in hair-straightening products

Glyoxylic acid, a chemical used in hair-straightening products (also known as hair relaxers), can cause acute kidney failure: this was confirmed by ANSES after it examined the available scientific data on its toxicity. The Agency believes that a ruling is needed on restricting or even banning the use of this substance in hair care products. Pending regulatory measures, it recommends avoiding the use of hair-straightening products containing glyoxylic acid. It also urges the companies marketing hair care products containing this substance to re-examine their safety.
Fortifying flour with folic acid can help prevent neural tube malformations in newborns
Vitamine B9

Fortifying flour with folic acid can help prevent neural tube malformations in newborns

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are congenital malformations that can have very serious consequences for the development of a newborn’s brain and spinal cord. To improve the prevention of these defects, ANSES recommends fortifying wheat flour with folic acid, the synthetic form of vitamin B9, in addition to vitamin B9 supplementation for women planning a pregnancy. This measure would compensate for the inadequate vitamin B9 intake of these women, which is one of the main risk factors for NTDs in unborn children. The Agency’s expert appraisal on the prevention of NTDs included an initial socio-economic analysis of various options for action and recommended a stakeholder consultation, with a public health objective of scaling up prevention.
Recognition of occupational diseases: scientific evidence for revising the tables
Maladies professionnelles

Recognition of occupational diseases: scientific evidence for revising the tables

Occupational diseases suffer from under-reporting and a lack of recognition. The procedures are based on occupational disease tables, some of which are obsolete in relation to current scientific knowledge and medical practice. ANSES has made several proposals with a view to making it easier to update the existing tables. As part of its expert appraisal work, it also identified some diseases not covered by the tables, which therefore need to be included in the work programmes of the occupational disease committees.
Sunscreen products: better consumer information means better protection
Produits de protection solaire

Sunscreen products: better consumer information means better protection

The European Commission intends to revise the recommendations on safety and efficacy claims for sunscreen products it issued to industry in 2006. Its aim is to provide consumers with better guidance when choosing and using these products. ANSES has produced an opinion in support of this revision that calls for the recommendation to be made clearer and more restrictive, in order to provide better protection for users of sunscreen products.
Higher risks for workers exposed to road traffic pollution
Pollution du trafic routier : des risques accrus pour les travailleurs exposés

Higher risks for workers exposed to road traffic pollution

Classified as carcinogenic in 2012, air pollution also has proven respiratory and cardiovascular effects. Whether they are drivers or delivery riders, refuse collectors, sweepers or road maintenance operatives, workers who spend most of their time on or near roads, either outside or inside a vehicle, are particularly affected by road traffic pollution. ANSES is calling on the public authorities and occupational health professionals to take greater account of environmental pollution in the workplace in order to reduce exposure and risks.
Preventing transmission of swine flu viruses between animals and humans
Virus influenza de la grippe du porc : éviter la transmission entre animaux et humains

Preventing transmission of swine flu viruses between animals and humans

Like all type A flu (or influenza) viruses, those causing swine flu are constantly changing. ANSES has conducted an expert appraisal on the factors involved in the introduction of these viruses into pig farms and their transmission between pigs and humans. If the virus enters a farm, there is a risk that it will mix with other influenza viruses among the pigs. Such reassortments could be a source of new viruses with panzootic or pandemic potential.
