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ANSES will coordinate an European Joint Programme on "One Health", a European research programme on foodborne zoonoses
Homme Animaux

ANSES will coordinate an European Joint Programme on "One Health", a European research programme on foodborne zoonoses

The European Joint Programme (EJP) on "One Health", coordinated by ANSES with the participation of more than 40 partners from 19 Member States, was approved by the European Commission and will start on 1 January 2018. Through its role in the design and implementation of this programme, ANSES is contributing to the European establishment of expertise, as part of the "One Health" concept, and to the acquisition of new knowledge in the areas of foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance, and emerging risks.
Sulfoxaflor: ANSES examines the new data available

Sulfoxaflor: ANSES examines the new data available

By its decision dated 27 September 2017, ANSES issued marketing authorisations for two plant protection products containing the active substance sulfoxaflor, CLOSER and TRANSFORM, marketed by DOW Agroscience SAS, subject to strong restrictions on their conditions of use. Sulfoxaflor is an active substance in insecticides belonging to the class of chemicals called sulfoximines, approved at European level for the first time on 18 August 2015 for a period of 10 years, following a thorough risk assessment. While sulfoxaflor has a mode of action similar to that of the neonicotinoids, it differs in its very low persistence in the soil (1 to 4 days versus 120 to 520 days) and in plants. It is also less toxic to aquatic organisms and its metabolites are not toxic to pollinators.
ANSES's recommendations for implementing national surveillance of pesticides in ambient air
Air Extérieur

ANSES's recommendations for implementing national surveillance of pesticides in ambient air

Today ANSES is publishing the results of its collective expert appraisal aimed at proposing arrangements for implementing national surveillance of pesticides in ambient air in metropolitan France and the overseas départements and regions (DROM). Based on a list of 90 priority substances, this national surveillance should make it possible to assess the chronic exposure of the general population and the associated health risks. The Agency also recommends setting up specific measurement campaigns to assess the exposure of populations living in the vicinity of pesticide emission sources, particularly residents in agricultural areas.
Indoor air purifiers: their effectiveness remains to be demonstrated
Valeurs Guide Air Intérieur

Indoor air purifiers: their effectiveness remains to be demonstrated

Today ANSES is publishing the results of its analysis of air purification techniques based on the principles of plasma, catalysis and photocatalysis, ozone generation and ionisation. Over the last few years, equipment has appeared on the market that claims to have indoor air purification properties, along with "depolluting" building and decorating materials designed to trap or destroy many microbiological and chemical contaminants of indoor air. In its expert appraisal, the Agency emphasises that the available data were unable to demonstrate the effectiveness and safety in real conditions of use of the indoor air purification devices based on these technologies. It also reiterates that to reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants, priority should be given to limiting emissions at the source, and aerating and ventilating the indoor areas of buildings.
ANSES conducts expert appraisals on several chemicals suspected of being endocrine disruptors
Perturbateurs Endocriniens

ANSES conducts expert appraisals on several chemicals suspected of being endocrine disruptors

Under the terms of the National Endocrine Disruptor Strategy (SNPE), ANSES has published the results of its assessment of five chemical substances suspected of being endocrine disruptors. The Agency has also published its latest work concerning the assessment of the health risks associated with exposure to Category 2 reprotoxic substances and/or endocrine disruptors present in consumer products. These three reports reflect the current state of knowledge on the uses, the sources of exposure and the toxicity of several substances of the class of polybrominated compounds. The Agency is currently continuing its work by assessing the five substances listed in its 2017 work programme in the framework of the SNPE.
ANSES and the Technical and Scientific Institute for Beekeeping and Pollination sign a partnership agreement as part of the phytopharmacovigilance scheme

ANSES and the Technical and Scientific Institute for Beekeeping and Pollination sign a partnership agreement as part of the phytopharmacovigilance scheme

ANSES and the Technical and Scientific Institute for Beekeeping and Pollination (ITSAP) have signed a partnership agreement to strengthen their collaboration in the area of phytopharmacovigilance. This three-year agreement will help better identify the adverse effects of plant protection products on bee health through the rapid detection of signals, and therefore improve the measures taken to prevent or limit the risks associated with the use of these products.
ANSES and the CODA-CERVA have renewed their partnership for three more years

ANSES and the CODA-CERVA have renewed their partnership for three more years

ANSES and the Belgian Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA) have renewed the framework agreement that has linked them since 2009, as well as the agreement concerning scientific collaboration on foot and mouth disease and bluetongue. The two agencies will thus continue their numerous joint activities, particularly diagnostic and reference activities relating to the pathogens responsible for epizootic diseases and zoonoses, and to chemical agents likely to contaminate the food chain, as well as in the field of analytical research.
New recommendations for improving the working conditions of sewage workers

New recommendations for improving the working conditions of sewage workers

In June 2016, ANSES published an expert appraisal on the specific exposures and health risks to which sewage workers are subjected, concluding that there are long-term health effects associated with the working conditions in sewers. Today the Agency is presenting additional results from a campaign to measure biological agents potentially found in the air in the Paris sewers, carried out by the Ile-de-France regional health insurance fund (CRAMIF). The results of this campaign confirm that the drainage system in which the sewage workers operate on a daily basis is an unhealthy environment, a finding that had already been noted in the analysis of data on exposure to chemical pollutants published in the opinion of June 2016. The Agency is therefore recommending a series of technical and organisational measures to reduce worker exposure.
Signature of a memorandum of understanding for the creation of the APIVALE Scientific Interest Group on the exploitation of organic effluent

Signature of a memorandum of understanding for the creation of the APIVALE Scientific Interest Group on the exploitation of organic effluent

At the International Livestock Trade Fair (SPACE) on Tuesday 12 September, Inra, Irstea, ANSES, Agrocampus Ouest, the University of Southern Brittany and the University of Rennes 1 signed a memorandum of understanding for the creation of a Scientific Interest Group to be known as APIVALE. The partners of the Scientific Interest Group share the ambition of a renewed and more systemic approach for the exploitation of organic effluent in their region.
