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Stepping up surveillance of the oriental fruit fly to prevent it from becoming established in France
Mouche orientale des fruits : renforcer la surveillance pour éviter son établissement en France

Stepping up surveillance of the oriental fruit fly to prevent it from becoming established in France

Bactrocera dorsalis , commonly known as the oriental fruit fly, is one of the most destructive pests for many fruit and vegetable production sectors. In its opinion, ANSES considers that the likelihood of its long-term establishment in mainland France is not negligible. To be able to detect any outbreak of infestation as quickly as possible, ANSES recommends stepping up the surveillance of crops and imported goods in Mediterranean areas near ports and airports, beyond what is provided for in the current regulations.
The fundamental principles underlying ANSES’s vigilance schemes

The fundamental principles underlying ANSES’s vigilance schemes

ANSES coordinates seven vigilance schemes aimed at identifying adverse effects caused by several types of products and foods. What are the fundamental principles underpinning this mission at the Agency? What do the new vigilance schemes for cosmetics and tattoos involve? What is the outlook for these schemes? Juliette Bloch, Director of Health Alerts and Vigilance, answers our questions.
Approval of water analysis laboratories: a joint ANSES/OFB portal

Approval of water analysis laboratories: a joint ANSES/OFB portal

On 25 March 2024, ANSES and the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) inaugurated a joint portal to provide access to both of their information systems dedicated to applications for the approval of water analysis laboratories. The OFB handles environmental approvals and ANSES handles water quality monitoring approvals.
Report on the use of sugars and sweeteners in processed foods
Bilan de l’utilisation des sucres et édulcorants dans les aliments transformés

Report on the use of sugars and sweeteners in processed foods

Reducing added sugars in food is one of the main strategies for preventing obesity and diabetes. ANSES has produced a comprehensive report on trends in the use of sweetening ingredients or ingredients conveying sweetness – sugar, glucose, glucose-fructose syrups, honey, fruit juices, caramel, artificial sweeteners, etc. – in beverages and processed foods. It examined the ingredient lists on more than 54,000 products on the market between 2008 and 2020, identified by OQALI, the French Food Observatory. This report shows that the majority of products, even savoury products, contained at least one sweetening ingredient or ingredient conveying sweetness. However, the Agency notes a decline in the use of sweetening ingredients over the last 10 years, particularly sugar syrups and artificial sweeteners. ANSES also stresses that it is possible to further reduce the use of sweetening ingredients in products.
Proposed hazard classification for two diphenylamines
Proposition de classification des dangers de deux diphénylamines

Proposed hazard classification for two diphenylamines

ANSES is proposing a harmonised classification under the European CLP Regulation for two diphenylamines: BNPA and Benzenamine, N-phenyl-, reaction products with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene. Used in industrial settings as well as by professionals and private individuals, these substances are found in lubricants, greases, cutting fluids, hydraulic fluids and plastics. These diphenylamines are toxic to aquatic organisms and can damage human fertility and development. The public consultation, which opened on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on 4 March 2024, enables all interested parties to comment on these two classification proposals and provide any additional information they may have on these substances.
The main Mycoplasma bovis subtype in France actually conceals two lineages
Mycoplasma bovis

The main Mycoplasma bovis subtype in France actually conceals two lineages

A study of Mycoplasma bovis , a bacterium that is pathogenic for cattle, has revealed the presence of two lineages in France, whereas the population of bacteria of the main circulating subtype was previously thought to be homogeneous. This discovery will help improve surveillance of this bacterium.
New genomic techniques (NGTs) : ANSES calls for appropriate regulations
Nouvelles techniques génomiques : l’Anses appelle à une réglementation adaptée

New genomic techniques (NGTs) : ANSES calls for appropriate regulations

New genomic techniques (NGTs) offer a vast range of applications, especially in the breeding of cultivated plants. Similar to genetically modified organisms (GMOs), but nevertheless distinct from transgenic plants, these applications require careful consideration with a view to their possible arrival on the European market. Within the scope of its missions, ANSES conducted an expert appraisal of the challenges associated with these NGTs in order to provide the authorities and stakeholders with insights for the current discussions on changes to the European GMO framework. The Agency proposed adapting the assessment of these plants on a case-by-case basis, using a graduated approach, and recommended a comprehensive monitoring scheme. In addition to the health challenges, ANSES also identified various socio-economic motivations and concerns associated with NGTs in agriculture, and called for future decisions to be based on a democratic debate that goes beyond the risks and considers all the issues at stake.
New partnership between ANSES and the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food

New partnership between ANSES and the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food

On 1 March 2024, ANSES signed its first cooperation partnership agreement with the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (HAPIH). The two agencies have areas of expertise in common relating to animal and plant health, and food safety.
The first summary of French data on Ixodes ricinus ticks
tique Ioxides

The first summary of French data on Ixodes ricinus ticks

ANSES financed and participated in a study reviewing the state of knowledge on the biology and ecology of Ixodes ricinus ticks and the pathogens they are capable of transmitting. By analysing data spanning a period of more than 60 years, this work provided an overview of current knowledge and highlighted the need to conduct further investigations and harmonise the surveillance methods used, to improve the control and prevention of this pathogen vector.
