To what pets can humans transmit monkeypox virus (MPXV)? For example, can dogs, cats and rodents get monkeypox? Due to the increase in the number of people infected with this virus in multiple non-endemic countries, including France, ANSES received an urgent request to answer these questions.
Colistin combined with nanoparticles: a smaller amount of antibiotic for the same level of efficacy
Scientists from ANSES's Ploufragan-Plouzané-Niort Laboratory took part in a study on the efficacy of colistin-loaded alginate nanoparticles used to treat diarrhoea in piglets. Undertaken in collaboration with teams from University of Lille (BioEcoAgro Cross-Border Joint Research Unit) and CNRS (Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics & Nanotechnology), this study showed that this new formulation, which requires less colistin than conventional treatment, has equal or even greater efficacy.
Aiming for weather maps of ticks in metropolitan France
As part of the national plan to combat Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases, INRAE and VetAgro Sup, as well as CIRAD, ANSES and the company Boehringer Ingelheim, analysed the risks associated with the tick Ixodes ricinus , the main pathogen vector in France and Europe. The research team used data collected in seven observatories characterised by various climates in metropolitan France; it also referred to meteorological and environmental (vegetation, soil, etc.) data. This was supplemented by additional field observation campaigns. The results, published in Geospatial Health and Scientific Reports, led to the development of a map indicating those areas most favourable to the presence and activity of Ixodes ricinus ticks, on the one hand, and a model for predicting the periods of greatest risk depending on the season and weather in metropolitan France, on the other.
Birth control pills for female cats and dogs must be prescribed by a veterinarian
Birth control pills for pets can have serious side effects. They should therefore only be dispensed on prescription by a veterinarian and used in accordance with a number of recommendations.
Tracing the source of infections by the bacterium responsible for bovine tuberculosis
Cases of bovine tuberculosis are rare in France, but infected cattle herds are still regularly reported. In order to determine the exact role of wildlife, especially badgers, in transmission, scientists from the Laboratory for Animal Health have been reconstructing the evolution of the bacterium that causes the disease.
Equine health at the heart of a new joint technology unit
The French Horse and Riding Institute (IFCE) and ANSES have set up a joint technology unit (UMT) to strengthen their shared research on horse health. Its work will focus on three main areas: an equine census and monitoring of mortality, several risks associated with parasites and pathogens in the horse environment, and infectious diseases affecting reproduction.
ANSES supports the Université Côte d'Azur in promoting physical activity for health – 31 August to 2 September 2022
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Palais de la Méditerranée à Nice
In partnership with ANSES, the Université Côte d'Azur is pleased to invite you to the 17th annual meeting and 11th conference of HEPA Europe. The conference is organised jointly with WHO/Europe, in partnership with the City of Nice and the French Public Health Society (SFSP). This year's HEPA Europe conference will focus on "An ecosystem-based approach to promoting health-enhancing physical activity". The conference themes cover a wide range of issues including policy, active transportation, sport, determinants of physical activity, results for health, sedentary behaviour and many others. The aim of the conference is to engage policy makers, professionals, scientists and other stakeholders, as well as citizens, in the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity. The conference will be an opportunity to target and connect these different groups. The Nice meeting is a unique opportunity to meet with experts and influencers face-to-face; to network, mix and mingle; to learn from leaders in the field and to keep abreast of scientific, practical and policy developments in Europe and beyond. The event includes plenary conferences, concurrent discussion sessions, poster sessions and symposia. It will also include the annual meeting of HEPA Europe and concurrent sessions by most of its working groups. The conference has existed since 2005 and will be held for the first time in France, at the Palais de la Méditerranée in Nice, from 31 August to 2 September 2022.
Launch of the European research and innovation PARC programme to improve chemical risk assessment
The European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC), which is being launched today in Paris, France, is seeking to develop next-generation chemical risk assessment, incorporating both human health and the environment in a "One Health" approach. It will help support the European Union's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and the European Green Deal's "zero pollution" ambition. Bringing together nearly 200 partners from 28 countries as well as EU agencies, PARC is coordinated by ANSES, with funding from the European Commission's Horizon Europe research and innovation framework programme and the partnership’s participants.
PestiRiv study: focus on the second survey period designed to improve knowledge of exposure to pesticides in wine-growing areas
The PestiRiv study, which Santé publique France and ANSES have been conducting in six regions of metropolitan France (Grand Est, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Occitanie and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) since October 2021, entered its second period in March. This unprecedented work will provide the first ever measurements of exposure to pesticides in wine-growing and non-wine-growing areas. Here we take a look at the study through three questions.