List of ANSES toxicity reference values (TRVs)
The Agency entrusted TRV validation to the Expert Committee (CES) on "Health reference values ". Accordingly, toxicity reference values have already been established for the following substances (substances or mixtures).
> See our article on toxicity reference values (TRVs)
Chemical |
Publication year |
Sort of TRV |
Internal TRV |
Substances |
2009 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
3.4 10-3 (mg.m-3)-1
/ |
2022 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
2 µg.m-3 |
/ |
Long-term TRV without threshold TRV Inhalation route |
7,5.10-7 (µg.m-3)-1 |
/ |
2018 |
Short-term TRV Oral route |
73 µ p.c.-1.d-1 |
/ |
2018 |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
256 µg.m-3 |
2018 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
16 µ p.c.-1.d-1 |
2018 |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
55 µg.m-3 |
2018 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
5 µ p.c.-1.d-1 |
2018 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
18 µg.m-3 |
2009 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
0.07 mg.m-3 |
/ |
2018 |
Short-term TRV Oral route |
11 µ p.c.-1.d-1 |
/ |
2018 |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
39 µg.m-3 |
2018 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
5 µ p.c.-1.d-1 |
2018 |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
18 µg.m-3 |
2018 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
1 µ p.c.-1.d-1 |
2018 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
4 µg.m-3 |
2018 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
5 µ p.c.-1.d-1 |
/ |
2018 |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
18 µg.m-3 |
2018 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
1 µ p.c.-1.d-1 |
2018 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
4 µg.m-3 |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.32 mg .kg.pc-1.d-1 |
/ |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
2.7 mg.m-3 |
2015 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route |
1.3 10-5 (µ p.c.-1.d-1)-1 |
2015 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
3.8 10-6 (µg.m-3)-1 |
2022 (in French only) |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
6.9 µg.m-3 |
/ |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
0.44 µg.m-3 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
0.2 µg.m-3 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
No TRV |
2017 |
Short- term TRV Inhalation route |
5.9 mg.m-3 |
/ |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
0.5 mg.m-3 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
0.5 mg.m-3 |
2024 (in French only) |
short-term TRV Inhalation route |
29 µg.m-3 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
19 µg.m-3 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV with threshold Inhalation route |
9.7 µg.m-3 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
1.6x10-6 (µg.m-3)-1 |
/ |
2012 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.05 |
/ |
2008 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
0.5 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Short-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
1,48.10-6 (µg.m-3) -1 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
5,29.10-2 (10-5 m-1) -1 Pour affiner, utiliser la fonction paramétrique |
/ |
2023 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route 2023 |
0.16 ( |
/ |
2023 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route 2023 |
0.25 ( |
/ |
Cadmium and cadmium compounds (CAS 7440-43-9, 10108-6-2, 1306-19-0, 10124-36-4, 1306-23-6, 10325-94-7) |
(in French only) |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.35 µ |
0,5 µg/g creat |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route
0.45 µg.m-3 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route
0.3 µg.m-3 |
2017 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
0.11 mg.m-3 |
/ |
2010 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
28 µ |
/ |
2021 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.17 µ |
0.40 µg/L plasma |
2008 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
63 µg.m-3 |
/ |
2019 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
0.14 µ |
/ |
(CAS 541-02-6) |
2017 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
6..4 mg.m-3 |
/ |
(CAS 631-64-1) |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
30 µ |
/ |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route
0.048 ( |
Dibromochloroacetic acid (CAS 5278-95-5) |
Long-term TRV Oral route |
No TRV |
/ |
2008 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
0.002 |
/ |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.8 pc-1.d-1 |
/ |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
3 mg.m-3 |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
4 pc-1.d-1 |
/ |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
14,5 mg.m-3 |
2015 |
Developmental TRV Oral route |
2 pc-1.d-1 |
2015 |
Developmental TRV Inhalation route |
7.2 mg.m-3 |
2015 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route |
7.8.10-6 (µ p.c.-1.d-1)-1 |
2015 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
2.2.10-6 (µg.m-3)-1 |
Dichloroacetic acid (CAS 79-43-6) |
Short- term TRV Oral route |
260 µ |
/ |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
840 µ |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route
0,048 ( |
/ |
2017 |
Short-term TRV (reprotoxic) Oral route |
0.002 |
/ |
2017 |
Short-term TRV (reprotoxic) Oral route |
0.004 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0,003 pc−1.d−1 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV (without threshold) Oral route |
0,13 ( pc−1.d−1)−1 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0,003 pc−1.d−1 |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV (without threshold) Oral route |
0,79 ( pc−1.d−1)−1 |
/ |
2015 (in French only) |
No TRV |
/ |
2017 |
No TRV |
/ |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
6.4 mg.m-3 |
/ |
2016 |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
22 mg.m-3 |
/ |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
4.3 mg.m-3 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
1.5 mg.m-3 |
2017 |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
123 µg.m-3 |
/ |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
123 µg.m-3 |
2012 |
Blood lead level |
15 µg.L-1 blood |
2008 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
0.05 |
/ |
2017 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
0.7 mg.m-3 |
/ |
2019 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
1 |
/ |
2023 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
10 µ |
/ |
2017 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
2 mg.m-3 |
/ |
2013 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
3 mg.m-3 |
/ |
2009 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation and oral route |
No TRV |
/ |
2012 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route |
4 ( p.c.-1.d-1)-1 |
/ |
2013 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
37 µg.m-3 |
/ |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
5.6.10-3 (mg.m-3)-1 |
2009 |
Long-term route (with threshold) Oral route |
80 µ |
/ |
2009 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route |
6.10-5 (µ |
2009 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
34 µ |
/ |
2009 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route |
5.10-5 (µ |
2009 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
0.03 |
/ |
2009 |
Medium-term TRV Oral route |
0.03 |
/ |
2017 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
183 mg.m-3 |
/ |
2023 (in French only) |
Short-term TRV Oral route |
0.08 µ |
/ |
No short- and medium-term TRV Respiratory and dermal route |
/ |
2024 (in French only) |
Short-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
For [PM2,5] ≤ 10 µg.m-3 : 1,65.10-7 (µg.m-3)-1 For [PM2,5] > 10 µg.m-3 : 7,69.10-9 (µg.m-3)-1 + 1,56.10-6 |
/ |
2023 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
1.28.10-2 (µg.m-3)-1 To refine, use the parametric function |
/ |
2024 |
Short-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
For [PM10] ≤ 20 µg.m-3 : 7,34.10-8 (µg.m-3)-1 For [PM10] > 20 µg.m-3 : 7,71.10-9 (µg.m-3)-1 + 1,33.10-6 |
2023 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
Conversion of PM10 exposure concentration to PM2.5 concentration, then use the long-term TRV of PM2.5 |
/ |
2022 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
1.5 µ |
/ |
2018 |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
1.38 mg.m-3 |
/ |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
0.4 mg.m-3 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
0.4 mg.m-3 |
Long-term TRV without threshold
Inhalation route |
2.6.10-7 (µg.m-3)-1
2017 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.08 |
/ |
2017 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.32 |
/ |
Pinnatoxine G
2019 (in French only) |
Provisional acute TRV Oral route |
0.13 µ pc-1.j-1 |
/ |
2020 |
Acute TRV Oral route |
0.1 µ |
/ |
2015 |
No TRV |
/ |
2015 |
Reprotoxic TRV Oral route |
1.9 pc-1.d-1 |
/ |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.6 pc-1.d-1 |
2015 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
2.1 mg.m-3 |
2019 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
0.12 µg.m-3 |
/ |
2023 (in French only) |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
No TRV |
/ |
Trichloroacetic acid (CAS 76-03-9) |
Short-term TRV Oral route |
300 µ |
/ |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
20 µ |
/ |
2018 |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
No TRV |
/ |
2018 |
Medium-term TRV Inhalation route |
3.2mg.m-3 |
2018 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
3.2 mg.m-3 |
2018 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
10-6 (µg.m-3)-1 |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
21 mg.m-3 |
/ |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
19 mg.m-3 |
2012 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Oral route |
0.625 ( |
/ |
2012 |
Long-term TRV without threshold Inhalation route |
0.0038 (mg.m-3)-1 |
2021 (in French only) |
Reprotoxic TRV Oral route |
0.08 |
/ |
Reprotoxic TRV Inhalation route |
0.26 mg.m-3 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Oral route |
0.03 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
0.12 mg.m-3 |
2020 |
Short-term TRV Inhalation route |
8.7 mg.m-3 |
/ |
2020 |
Long-term TRV (with threshold) Inhalation route |
0.1 mg.m-3 |
Mixtures |
2022 (in French only) |
Toxicological value based on the common effect considered for the different chemicals of the mixture (MTV) |
Benzene : MTVneurotoxicy = 0.065 mg.m-3
Toluene : MTVneurotoxicy = 19 mg.m-3
Ethylbenzene : MTVneurotoxicy = 6 mg.m-3
Xylenes : MTVneurotoxicy = 0.1 mg.m-3 |
Update date: Decembe 2024