Launch of the portal
To facilitate access to calls for projects and research funding, ADEME, the ANR, Inserm – including ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases – ANSES and INCa are launching a single portal,, for all of their calls for scientific projects.
The portal is the result of collaborative work conducted by six French agencies playing a key role in the funding of research projects. This initiative reflects the commitments made by Frédérique Vidal, the French Minister of Higher Education, Research & Innovation, as part of the Research Programming Act promulgated in December 2020 to respond to requests to simplify the funding process.
Simplifying the funding process and clarifying related options
The aims of this portal are to make it easier for researchers, laboratories and research facilities to find funding and also to provide equal access to this funding by centralising all information relating to available calls for research projects and calls for applications. On the portal, they can quickly find the funding options that best correspond to their research topics and can create an alert to be notified when any new calls are posted. Administrative tasks are therefore facilitated and streamlined.
Users will have access to a wide variety of calls, as they are issued, dealing with topics such as health, medical research, cancer research, preparedness for and response to epidemic crises, environmental health, occupational health, the ecological and energy transition, and more broadly, life sciences, digital sciences, material sciences and engineering, human and social sciences, sciences of the universe and Earth sciences, etc.
More than 30 calls are already available at, including:
- for Inserm's Atip-Avenir programme launched jointly with the CNRS;
- for ANSES's National Research Programme on Environmental and Occupational Health (PNR EST);
- INCa's call for free projects on the biology of cancer (PLBIO);
- the 2022 edition of ADEME's “Towards responsible buildings” call for projects;
- the HIV, Hepatitis, STI, Tuberculosis and COVID-19 calls for projects of ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases (scheduled to open soon);
- the ANR's generic call for projects.
The portal will gradually be enriched with new features and joined by new partners in order to further simplify procedures for project leaders and beneficiaries.