ANSES to immediately examine a new study on GMO toxicity
A new study on the toxicity of GMOs was published today. Solicited by the French government, ANSES will immediately examine this new study and will inform the ministries of its conclusions without delay.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms or microorganisms whose genetic makeup has been transformed in a way that does not involve natural recombination or multiplication. These products are subject to EU-level regulation. Since 2003, they have been assessed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). However, at the request of the ministries, ANSES continues to provide its expertise in order to inform government decision-making when State Members vote to authorise or reject the marketing in Europe of a GMO for use in food or feed. For over half the GMOs studied within this context, the Agency considers that the data supplied by industry are not sufficient to establish consumption safety.
In addition to its participation in the GMO assessment process, ANSES, like other European agencies, contributes to the drafting and updating of guidelines regulating the conditions for evaluating these products. ANSES thus seeks to identify all new findings which should be taken into account for EU regulations.
A major new study on the toxicity of GMOs was published today in the international journal
"Food and Chemical Toxicology". Solicited by the French government, ANSES will immediately examine this new study and will interview its authors if necessary. Based on the results of its assessment, the Agency will promptly inform the ministries of its conclusions.