ANSES celebrates science
Our laboratories look forward to seeing you at the Fête de la Science (French Science Festival)! On this occasion, you will have the opportunity to meet with our scientists, learn about their research topics, take part in activities on the prevention of food poisoning, attend workshops on plant parasites and antimicrobial resistance, and much more.
A conference, an escape room and activities on microbes and endocrine disruptors in Fougères
- Escape room - Combining science and detective work, this full-scale investigation will immerse all those interested in scientific research in an intriguing adventure filled with suspense and plot twists in an unknown and high-risk setting.
Ages: 14 and over.
Date: 8 October 2022
Times: 9:30 am, 11 am (no places available), 1:30 pm, 3 pm and 4:30 pm
Location: Fougères Laboratory, Bioagropolis building, 10B rue Claude Bourgelat, Javené
Registration mandatory: by phone at +33 (0)2 99 17 27 30 or by email to nathalie.cadieu@anses.fr
- Conference - Our experts will review the various aspects and the history of endocrine disruptors, from their discovery in the 1960s to the most recent scientific breakthroughs relating to these chemicals capable of interfering with our hormonal system.
Date: 11 October 2022
Time: 8 pm
Location: La Clairière community media library, 2 Esplanade Chaussonnières, Fougères
Reservation mandatory: by phone at +33 (0)2 23 51 10 90 from Monday to Saturday or by email to mediatheques@fougeres-agglo.bzh
- Activity for school groups - Scientists from the Fougères Laboratory will teach primary school students about the importance of washing hands. The young participants will be introduced to the world of microbes and will learn that regular hand-washing limits the risk of them spreading and thus helps prevent illness.
Date: 13 and 14 October 2022
Location: Anne Boivent private primary school, Maen-Roch
Workshops on antimicrobial resistance and insects for school groups in Lyon
- Activity for school groups - ANSES's Lyon Laboratory will welcome middle school students at the ESTBB biotechnology school for a discussion on antimicrobial resistance. During this workshop, scientists will explain the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in the areas of human and animal health.
Dates: from 10 to 12 October 2022
Times: from 9 am to 4 pm
Location: École Supérieure de Biologie, Biochimie, Biotechnologies (ESTBB) – Catholic University of Lyon, 10 Place des archives, Lyon 2nd arrondissement
- Activity for school groups - Another workshop will be open to middle and high school students at the Science Village of the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon. On the programme: observation of insects, discovery of bacteria, and introduction to laboratory techniques.
Dates: 13 and 14 October 2022
Times: from 8 am to 5 pm
Location: ENS Science Village, Lyon 7th arrondissement
Food poisoning investigation in Ploufragan
- Activity for school groups + the general public - Our Ploufragan-Plouzané-Niort Laboratory invites you to imagine you are a scientist. Your mission is to find the food and the micro-organism that caused several people to get sick after a birthday party. As part of another activity, you will learn how one food can contaminate another and will find out how to avoid cross-contamination in the kitchen.
Dates: 7 October 2022 (for school groups only) + 8 and 9 October 2022 (for the general public)
Times on 8 and 9 October: from 2 to 6 pm
Location: Espace Science et Métiers, 6 rue Camille Guérin, Ploufragan
Tour of the Laboratory for Food Safety in Maisons-Alfort
- School field trip - The Laboratory for Food Safety will open its doors to the apprentices of the Professional School of Butchery in Maisons-Alfort. They will have the opportunity to talk to our scientists and see what their everyday work entails.
Date: 13 October 2022, from 10 am to 12 pm
Location: Laboratory for Food Safety in Maisons-Alfort
Understanding parasitic diseases in a fun atmosphere in Gif-sur-Yvette
- Activity for school groups + the general public - Come learn how to identify and avoid tick bites. At the same time, find out about the parasites that hide in our food with the Laboratory for Animal Health. In collaboration with INRAE and the Alfort National Veterinary School (ENVA), our scientists invite you to discover their educational activities.
Dates: 7 October 2022 (for school groups only) + 8 and 9 October 2022 (for the general public)
Times: 8 October 2022 from 2 to 6 pm and 9 October 2022 from 11 am to 6 pm
Location: ENS Paris-Saclay, 4 Avenue des Sciences, Gif-sur-Yvette (Paris-Saclay Animal Science stand)
Learning about soil micro-organisms in Rennes
- Activity for school groups + the general public - The soil is full of life! Soil organisms such as nematodes and bacteria have an impact on plant health, for better or for worse. Our scientists from the Nematology Unit of the Plant Health Laboratory and their colleagues from INRAE (NemAlliance cluster) invite you to take part in the activity on “Soil micro-organisms: small but sturdy”. They will also explain how you can support this underground biodiversity.
Dates: 13 and 14 October 2022
Times: school groups: 9 am to 12 pm and 2 to 5 pm; general public: 12 to 2 pm and 5 to 7 pm
Location: Les Champs Libres, cours des Alliés, Rennes
Discover life in a bee hive in Antibes
- Activity for the general public - Come observe bees in a transparent bee hive! Scientists from the Sophia Antipolis Laboratory invite you to observe life in a bee hive and discover various species of insects. Through interactive games, you will learn about the structure of a hive, the profession of beekeeper, and the predators and diseases that threaten bees.
Dates: 15 and 16 October 2022
Times: 15 October: 1 to 7 pm, 16 October: 10 am to 6 pm
Location: Palais des Congrès, 60 chemin des sables, Juan Les Pins, Antibes