Scientific Conference on Air and Health: Knowledge to Support Action
Air, whether it is outdoor air or air in enclosed environments, is likely to be polluted by numerous contaminants. Research is essential to provide the scientific knowledge needed to assess health risks and support actions to improve air quality.
On 6 June, ANSES and the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) are joining forces to organise a scientific meeting on this topic. This conference will be devoted to the work that the two agencies are carrying out or funding to characterise exposure to air pollution, to explore its effects on health and to improve air quality.
During the conference, ANSES will report on the results of the National Plan for Research on Environmental and Occupational Health (PNR EST) on this subject.
Each of the following themes will be the subject of a session of scientific presentations:
- Exposure in transport and in cities
- Occupational environments
- Indoor air quality
- Micro-sensors and participatory sciences
This event will be held in person and remotely.