Ruling by the French administrative court of Lyon: ANSES contests any error of assessment
ANSES has examined the ruling of 15 January 2019 by the French administrative court of Lyon overriding the marketing authorisation decision for Roundup Pro 360.
It should be noted that, in order to protect human and environmental health, ANSES is responsible for implementing European regulations on the national level with regard to the marketing authorisation of regulated products (plant protection products, biocides and veterinary medicinal products). It also contributes to improving these regulations by making them more effective and transparent.
Every day, ANSES applies the precautionary principle through stringent risk assessment implemented by independent scientific expert committees.
As early as 2016, the Agency was the first national authority to withdraw marketing authorisations for 126 glyphosate-based products containing a potentially genotoxic co-formulant.
ANSES is currently re-assessing all products containing glyphosate sold in France and is fully committed to assessing the alternatives to glyphosate use, in compliance with the government’s commitments.
With regard to the ruling by the French administrative court of Lyon, ANSES contests any error of assessment in the application of national or European regulations.