28/11/2018 1 min

ANSES provides access to the data from its study on dietary exposure of children under three years of age to chemicals

ANSES is publishing all the data from its Infant Total Diet Study (iTDS). Available as OpenData on the official website data.gouv.fr, this document presents all the data on concentrations of chemical residues or contaminants in the diet of children under three years of age.

"Total Diet Studies" (TDS) are national surveys that aim to estimate people's exposure to chemical contaminants in food. They rely on the analysis of a large number of substances in food samples that reflect consumption by the population.

In view of the diet and particular vulnerability of infants and young children, ANSES conducted anInfant Total Diet Study (iTDS) to estimate dietary exposure of children under three years of age.Covering 97% of the diet of toddlers,this survey led to 670 substances in food being analysed and the risk being estimated for 400 of them.

To promote transparency and data sharing, ANSES is now publishing all the concentration data for the residues found in each food. These results provide information on contamination for each food and food group reflecting consumption by children under three years of age in France. Made available to the general public, these data can be used by all the stakeholders in this field, particularly research bodies and institutes, as well as by risk assessment agencies at European level.

The iTDS: key figures

years of work

More than 200,000 analytical results

covers 97% of the diet of children under 3 years of age

5484 products purchased, 457 samples

670 substances analysed

Dietary exposure assessed for 500 substances

Risk assessed for 400 substances, including 281 pesticide residues